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The Journey of Self-Reflection

Posted on: May 5th, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

As I sit here, pen in hand and thoughts racing through my mind, I can’t help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. In this moment, as I reflect on the path that has led me to where I am today, I am reminded of the importance of self-discovery.

Discovering oneself is a journey that is both daunting and exhilarating. It requires courage to delve deep into the depths of your being and confront the truths that lie hidden within. But it is through this process of introspection that we can truly understand who we are and what we stand for.

I have always believed that self-reflection is the key to personal growth. It is through introspection that we can identify our strengths and weaknesses, our desires and fears. By taking the time to look within ourselves, we can uncover our true passions and aspirations, and pave a path towards fulfillment.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easy to lose sight of ourselves amidst the chaos. But it is during these moments of stillness, when we allow ourselves to pause and reflect, that we can find clarity and purpose. It is in these moments that we can rediscover our true selves and realign our goals with our values.

So, as I continue on this journey of self-reflection, I am grateful for the opportunity to explore the depths of my soul and uncover the mysteries that lie within. It is a journey of self-discovery that never truly ends, but one that brings growth, wisdom, and a profound sense of fulfillment.

Experiencing God’s Love: 1 John 4

Posted on: April 29th, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

As I stood before the congregation on the last Sunday in April, my heart was filled with a deep sense of gratitude for the presence of each person before me. It was a moment of connection, a moment to delve into the profound teachings of the Scriptures and reflect on the essence of love as conveyed in 1 John 4.

Reflection on 1 John 4:7-11

I began by diving into the verses of 1 John 4, specifically focusing on verses 7 to 11. These verses spoke directly to the core of our being, emphasizing the importance of love in our lives. The words resonated deeply within me as I shared with the congregation the meaning behind loving one another as a reflection of the love of God.

Challenging Our Notions of Love

In our modern world, the concept of love has sometimes been diluted to mere pleasantries and superficial gestures. As I delved deeper into the message, I challenged the congregation to rethink their understanding of love. True love, as depicted in the Scriptures, goes beyond words and actions; it is a profound connection that stems from the depth of our souls.

The Mystery of Love

The mystery of God’s love unfolded before us as we explored the idea that love is not based on what we do but rather on who we are. Through anecdotes and reflections, I encouraged the audience to ponder the authenticity of their love towards others and towards God.

The Greatest Sin: Not Loving

One powerful realization that struck a chord with the congregation was the revelation that the greatest sin is not to love. In a world filled with strife and discord, it is our ability to love unconditionally that sets us apart. I emphasized the significance of love as the foundational principle of our faith and our existence.

Living Out God’s Love

As the sermon progressed, I stressed the importance of embodying God’s love in our daily lives. From the way we treat our family members to how we interact with strangers, every action should be infused with love. It is through these small gestures of kindness and compassion that we truly showcase our connection to God.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, the message of love permeated every word spoken that day. It was a reminder to all of us that love is not just a feeling but a way of life. As we left the church that day, my prayer was that each person would carry the essence of God’s love with them, spreading kindness and warmth wherever they go.

As I reflect back on that Sunday in April, I am reminded of the profound truth that God is love. It is through love that we experience the presence of the divine in our midst. May we all strive to love one another as a reflection of the love that God has bestowed upon us.


How You Serve Others, Shapes Our Community

Posted on: April 22nd, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

4th Sunday of EasterAs I reflect on the powerful words from the Gospel of John, specifically focusing on the message of the Good Shepherd, I am reminded of the profound impact selfless service can have on shaping our community.

The Example of the Good Shepherd

In John chapter 10, Jesus proclaims, “I am the Good Shepherd. I know my own, and my own know me.” These words resonate deeply as they highlight the intimate relationship between the shepherd and his sheep. Just as the Father knows Jesus and vice versa, we too are called to know and be known by our Good Shepherd.

Selfless Acts of Love and Care

I was struck by the examples of three Christian sisters who embodied the essence of selfless and self-giving care. They devoted years of their lives to caring for others, setting aside their own needs to prioritize the well-being of those they were serving. Their unwavering commitment and endurance in love truly make them leaders among us.

Following the Footsteps of the Servant King

In ancient Israel, the ideal vision of kingly leadership was that of a servant king, much like King David. A leader who prioritized the welfare of the people over personal gain. Jesus exemplified this servant leadership, laying down his life for the sheep. In him, we see the perfect blend of God and Messiah, the true shepherd who guides and protects his flock.

Transformative Love in Action

The love and care demonstrated by our Good Shepherd invite us to imitate his example of self-giving and self-sacrifice. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to be transformed by this love and to extend it to others around us. Our response to Jesus’ love should be one of sincere care and service for our brothers and sisters, mirroring the love of our Good Shepherd.

Closing Thoughts

As we journey through life, let us remember that we have the power to shape our community through how we serve others. By following the example of our Good Shepherd and King, we can create a ripple effect of love, care, and transformation that touches the lives of those around us. Let us embrace the call to serve wholeheartedly and self-sacrificially, knowing that in caring for others, we reflect the love of the one who laid down his life for us.

Finding Peace through Repentance and Forgiveness

Posted on: April 14th, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

As I sat down to reflect on the powerful message shared by Theadore Hunt in his recent video, I couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of peace wash over me. The words he spoke resonated deeply within my soul, reminding me of the importance of repentance and forgiveness in our lives.

Embracing Life’s Storms

In the midst of life’s challenges and trials, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. The storms of life may come crashing down on us, leaving us feeling adrift and unsure of our path. But Theadore’s message reminded me that these storms are not meant to break us but to strengthen us.

The Call for Repentance and Forgiveness

The essence of Theadore’s message lies in the call for repentance and forgiveness. He beautifully articulated the need for us to acknowledge our own faults, to turn away from our wrongdoings, and to seek forgiveness from both God and others. Repentance is not a sign of weakness but of courage and humility.

A Message of Hope and Redemption

In a world filled with conflicts and turmoil, Theadore’s words serve as a beacon of hope and redemption. He reminds us that true peace can only be found through repentance and forgiveness. By letting go of grudges, seeking reconciliation, and extending forgiveness, we pave the way for healing and transformation.

The Power of Forgiveness

As I listened to Theadore speak about the power of forgiveness, I couldn’t help but be moved by the profound impact it can have on our lives. Forgiveness is not just a gift we give to others but also a gift we give to ourselves. It frees us from the burden of anger and resentment, allowing us to move forward with grace and compassion.

Reflection and Action

After watching Theadore’s video, I found myself reflecting on my own life and relationships. Have I been holding onto grudges? Is there someone I need to forgive or seek forgiveness from? These questions stirred something deep within me, prompting me to take action and make amends where needed.


In conclusion, Theadore’s message on finding peace through repentance and forgiveness is a timely reminder of the importance of grace and compassion in our lives. As we navigate the storms of life, let us remember to embrace repentance, seek forgiveness, and extend grace to others. In doing so, we not only find peace within ourselves but also contribute to a world filled with love and understanding.

May we all strive to live a life guided by repentance and forgiveness, knowing that true healing and transformation come from the depths of our hearts.

The Power of Generosity: Thriving as a Community

Posted on: April 7th, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

Hey there, fellow readers! Today, I want to delve into a profound theme that has been on my mind lately – generosity. As I reflect on the script I recently came across, it has sparked a deep introspection on how vital generosity is for not just individuals but for the survival and growth of a community as a whole.

Embracing Generosity

The essence of generosity lies in the act of selflessly sharing what we have with others. It goes beyond merely giving material possessions; it is about a mindset shift towards considering the well-being of our community members as important as our own. The video beautifully illustrates how a community flourished when its members set aside selfish desires and embraced a culture of sharing and caring.

Lessons from Acts of the Apostles

The excerpt from the Acts of the Apostles serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of generosity. The early followers of Jesus were so deeply impacted by the news of his resurrection that they willingly shared everything they had, ensuring that no one among them was in need. Their selfless acts of giving stemmed from a place of love and unity, setting a remarkable example for us to follow.

Overcoming Selfishness

Selfishness, on the other hand, stands as a barrier to true community growth. When individuals prioritize their needs and wants above others, it creates a divide that hampers the collective progress. The story of Thomas in the script serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting how self-centeredness can lead to isolation and mistrust within a community.

The Call to Selflessness

As followers of Christ or simply as members of a shared society, we are called to embody selflessness in our actions. By shifting our focus from self-serving intentions to the greater good of all, we pave the way for genuine connections and collective prosperity. It is through acts of generosity and kindness that we truly reflect the teachings of love and compassion.

A Path to Resilient Communities

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, the practice of generosity emerges as a beacon of hope. When communities come together with open hearts and hands, they form a resilient bond that can weather any storm. Through sharing resources, supporting one another, and fostering a culture of giving, we not only survive but thrive as a unified entity.

As I conclude this reflection on generosity, let us remember that small acts of kindness and generosity have the power to create ripple effects of positivity in our communities. Let us strive to be pillars of support for one another, embracing the transformative potential of selfless giving.

Encountering Resurrection: A Reflection on Easter Morning

Posted on: March 31st, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

Easter morning holds a special place in the hearts of many, as it symbolizes hope, renewal, and triumph over darkness. In the Gospel accounts, the story of Mary Magdalene’s encounter at Jesus’s tomb resonates deeply, offering profound insights into the transformative power of resurrection. Let’s delve into Mary’s journey and reflect on the significance of this pivotal moment in Christian faith.

Encountering the Empty Tomb:

On that first Easter morning, Mary Magdalene arrived at Jesus’s tomb, only to find the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. Her initial reaction was one of confusion and fear, assuming that someone had taken Jesus’s body. As she relayed this news to the disciples, a series of encounters unfolded that would change their lives forever.

A Revelation of Angels:

As Mary stood by the tomb, weeping and bewildered, she encountered two angels who helped her comprehend the profound significance of the empty tomb. Their presence illuminated the reality of resurrection, a concept unprecedented in human history. Mary, along with the disciples, witnessed a new chapter unfolding, challenging their understanding of reality itself.

Experiencing Resurrection:

The core message of Easter crystallized as Mary encountered the risen Jesus. What was once a theological concept became a tangible reality as she heard the words, “I am the resurrection and the life,” spoken by the living Christ. In that moment, resurrection ceased to be a distant promise and became a lived experience, transforming Mary’s perception of the world.

A New Creation Unfolding:

Through Jesus’s resurrection, a new world emerged, breaking into the familiar landscape of human existence. The boundaries of reality expanded, inviting believers to view life through a lens of divine intervention and redemption. The resurrection event signified a paradigm shift, where the old gave way to the new, and hope triumphed over despair.

Bearing Witness to Resurrection:

As followers of Christ, we are called to emulate Mary’s example and bear witness to the transformative power of resurrection. Our task is to share how we have seen God’s hand at work in our lives and the world around us. By extending love, forgiveness, and service to others, we embody the essence of resurrection living, offering a glimpse of God’s redemptive power to those in need.

Living in the Light of Resurrection:

The resurrection of Jesus invites us to live with a renewed perspective, grounded in the eternal hope of new life. In a world marked by uncertainty and fleeting pleasures, the resurrection challenges us to prioritize enduring values over material gain. By embracing the reality of resurrection, we transcend the limitations of earthly existence and participate in the unfolding story of God’s redemption.


As we reflect on Mary Magdalene’s encounter on that first Easter morning, we are reminded of the profound impact of resurrection on human consciousness. The empty tomb serves as a symbol of divine transformation, inviting us to embrace a reality where death is conquered, and new life emerges. May we, like Mary, become bearers of resurrection hope, illuminating the world with the light of Christ’s victory over darkness.

The Eucharist: A Journey of Faith

Posted on: March 24th, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

As I stand before the congregation on this Palm Sunday, I am reminded of the profound significance of the Eucharist in our Christian faith journey. Today, I want to share with you the reflections and insights that have been stirring in my heart as we delve into the depths of this sacred meal.

The Tradition of Receiving Holy Communion

Growing up, I eagerly awaited the moment when I would be allowed to partake in Holy Communion. I vividly remember the anticipation and awe I felt as I witnessed the older members of the congregation approach the altar. The solemnity of receiving the wafer and sipping from the communal cup left an indelible mark on my young heart.

Understanding the True Meaning

It wasn’t until later in life that I truly grasped the depth of what the Eucharist represents. Beyond the ritualistic elements of bread and wine lies a profound act of self-offering and redemption. Jesus imbued these simple elements with new meaning, symbolizing his sacrificial love for all of God’s people.

Journeying Beyond Palm Sunday

Just as the disciples journeyed with Jesus beyond the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, we too are called to move beyond the symbolic waving of palms. The Eucharist serves as a tangible reminder of God’s saving presence among us, connecting past, present, and future believers in a sacred communion.

Finding Strength and Hope

In times of trial and tribulation, the memory of the Last Supper sustains us, just as it did for the disciples in the aftermath of Jesus’s crucifixion. The Eucharist provides us with the nourishment and strength we need to endure suffering and persecution, anchoring us in the hope of God’s redemptive love.

Embracing the Journey of Faith

As we embark on the solemn services of Holy Week, let us reflect on the life and sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ. May we draw courage and inspiration from the Eucharist, allowing it to fortify us in our Christian journey and empower us to be faithful witnesses of God’s sustaining grace.

The Power of Praising God: A Reflection on Faith and Gratitude

Posted on: March 17th, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

As I sat down to reflect on a sermon I heard recently, the words of Pastor Peter Owadayo resonated deeply within me. The message centered on the significance of praising God, finding solace in His faithfulness, and the transformative power of gratitude. In this blog post, I want to share my thoughts and insights inspired by Canon Peter’s sermon on the profound impact of praising God even in the midst of trials and tribulations.

The Call to Praise and Worship

Reading from the book of Lamentations and Psalms, Pastor Peter emphasized the importance of praising God at all times. The call to praise is not just a mere suggestion but a command that invites us to respond with admiration and gratitude. As the congregation joined in singing praises and reading verses together, there was a palpable sense of unity and reverence in the act of worship.

Finding Strength in Adversity

Drawing parallels from the story of Paul and Silas in Acts of the Apostle, Pastor Peter highlighted how even in the darkest of times, we can find strength through prayer and praise. Despite being thrown into prison and facing adversities, Paul and Silas chose to sing and worship God, igniting a powerful force that ultimately brought them liberation.

Navigating Spiritual and Physical Midnight

Pastor Peter’s words on the concept of spiritual and physical midnight struck a chord within me. Spiritual midnight symbolizes the battles we face in the unseen realm, the struggles that only God can intervene in. On the other hand, physical midnight represents the turmoil we experience in our daily lives, the challenges that seem insurmountable.

Embracing Faith and Gratitude

In a world filled with uncertainties and hardships, the message of faith and gratitude shines brightly. By embracing faith like madness, as Pastor Peter eloquently put it, we can overcome our obstacles and witness the miraculous work of God in our lives. The act of praising and worshiping God, especially in our darkest moments, opens up avenues for blessings and breakthroughs.

Closing Thoughts

As I conclude this reflection on Pastor Peter Owadayo’s sermon, I am reminded of the profound truth that God’s faithfulness endures forever. In times of distress and despair, in moments of joy and triumph, praising God becomes a beacon of hope and a source of strength. Let us remember to lift our voices in praise, to sing melodies of gratitude, and to trust in the unwavering love of our Creator.

May we find solace in the words of Psalm 147:1, “Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, how good it is to sing praises to our God.” Let our hearts be filled with thanksgiving and our spirits be uplifted by the power of worship. In every season of life, let us choose to praise God, for His mercy endures forever.

In conclusion, I encourage you to take a moment today to reflect on the blessings in your life, to offer a prayer of gratitude, and to sing praises to the One who sustains you. Remember, there is power in praising God, and in every circumstance, His faithfulness remains constant.

As we journey through life, may we walk in faith, embrace gratitude, and find strength in the act of praise. Thank you for joining me in this reflection on the power of praising God. Let us continue to worship Him with all our hearts and souls, for He is indeed worthy of all our adoration.

(c) 2024-03-17 The Church of St Stephen, Downsview

Embrace the Light: Reflect on John 3:19-21

Posted on: March 11th, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

As I stand before you today, reflecting on the powerful words from John’s Gospel, I am reminded of the profound message that resonates through the verses we’ve just heard read. John chapter 3, verses 19 to 21, speak to our innate connection with the light and our struggle with darkness.

John’s words echo with truth as he writes, “And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world. And people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.” These words pierce through our hearts, revealing the powerful contrast between light and darkness, good and evil.

In a world where darkness may seem all-encompassing, the concept of light shines brightly as a beacon of hope and truth. John’s gospel challenges us to examine our own deeds and motivations, urging us to step into the light and confront our truths.

Daylight Savings Time: A Symbol of Transition

As we embark on this journey into the light, the symbolism of Daylight Savings Time could not be more fitting. The transition of time, as the clock springs forward, parallels our own spiritual awakening to the light. Just as mornings may seem darker and evenings brighter, we are called to embrace the light that guides us through every season of life.

Embracing Our Nature as Creatures of Light

Human beings, by nature, are not nocturnal creatures. We are designed to thrive in the light, to seek out the goodness and truth that illuminate our path. Like moths drawn to a flame, we are irresistibly pulled towards the light, for it is in the light that we find our true purpose and fulfillment.

The Contrast Between Light and Darkness

John’s message serves as a stark reminder of the dichotomy between light and darkness. While we are inherently drawn to the light, our human nature sometimes leads us to gravitate towards darkness, especially when our deeds are tainted with evil. It is in these moments that we must confront our own shadows and choose to step into the light.

The Call to Repentance and Transformation

Repentance is not a call to judgment or condemnation but a loving invitation to return to the light. As we expose our deeds to the light of Christ, we open ourselves up to healing, restoration, and transformation. God’s grace washes over us, offering mercy, forgiveness, and a path forward in His light.

Moving from Darkness to Light: A Journey of Faith

Our journey from darkness to light mirrors the transformative work of Christ in our lives. Each step we take towards the light ushers us into a new realm of grace and redemption. As followers of Christ, we are called to examine our thoughts, words, and actions, ensuring that they align with the light and truth of God.

Embracing the Light Within

As I conclude this reflection, I am reminded of the profound truth that “the light has come into the world.” May we, as individuals beloved by God, choose to embrace the light within us, casting aside the shadows that hinder our spiritual growth. Let us walk in the light of Christ, allowing His grace to illuminate our path and lead us to eternal life.

In Him, we find the ultimate source of salvation and grace, not only for ourselves but for the entire world. Let us heed His call to step into the light, to walk in His ways, and to be bearers of His light to a world engulfed in darkness.

May we be guided by His truth, sustained by His love, and transformed by His light, now and forevermore.

(c) The Church of St Stephen, Downsview, 2024-03-10

The Power of Christ’s Crucifixion

Posted on: March 3rd, 2024 by St. Stephens Downsview

The crucifixion of Christ is a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles. This is because Jews wanted signs to believe in God, while Gentiles desired human wisdom to understand God.

However, Jesus addressed this in Matthew’s gospel when he spoke about the sign of the prophet Jonah. Just as Jonah spent three days in the belly of a fish and emerged to proclaim a prophetic message of repentance, Jesus himself would rise from death on the third day. This resurrection would serve as the ultimate sign that Jesus was indeed the Messiah sent by God.

At the core of the gospel proclamation is Christ’s crucifixion, which necessarily precedes his resurrection. Through his crucifixion, God’s power to redeem and save humanity is displayed. It is not a human power but a divine power to save all of creation. This truth was reaffirmed for Theadore and others during their devotions at Stations of the Cross.

Consider the response during the devotions, where we say, “We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. Because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world.” This reaffirms the belief that in the cross and the crucifixion of Jesus, God’s power is revealed for the redemption and salvation of the world. This salvation extends beyond Christians and has a global impact.

In our study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, we are reminded of the grace of God. This grace, lavished upon humanity for salvation, is not initiated or originated by humans but is a gift from God. As Paul writes, “for by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, so that no one can boast.”

This is the reason why boasting about one’s salvation is not appropriate. Salvation is a gift from God and is brought about through Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. It is not something we have earned or achieved through our own efforts. The salvation we receive is a humble and grateful response to the gift of salvation freely given by God.

Throughout history, various religious traditions have added layers upon the worship of God. The scripture readings presented in today’s script help chip away at these additional layers and bring us back to the heart of worship. The passage from Exodus reminds us of God’s teachings, given to guide our relationship with God and with one another. The gospel passage shows Jesus zealously restoring the temple to be a house of prayer rather than a place of profit.

We invite all readers, regardless of their religion or background, to reflect on what is ultimately important in their religious response to the one true and living God. Is it about specific rituals, beliefs, or external practices, or is it about prioritizing the values of Christ and recognizing him as the living God?

It is crucial to avoid dumbing down religious truth claims to fit within the wisdom of this age. Instead, Theadore encourages everyone to humbly receive with reverence and thanksgiving the gift of salvation freely lavished upon us through the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As Luke writes in the Acts of the Apostles, “there is salvation in no one else…by which we must be saved.”

No matter where we find ourselves, no matter our social location or religious affiliation, Jesus Christ has been crucified for each one of us. The only religious response that truly matters is our grateful and sincere reception of this gift. It is through our response and reception of the crucified one that we truly worship.

We conclude by stating that our relationship with God and with one another is defined by our response to this gift of salvation. Our salvation does not rely on our efforts to save ourselves but on God’s power to save us. All other ground is sinking sand.

Reflect on the power of Christ’s crucifixion teaches us the importance of accepting God’s gift of salvation with humility and gratitude. Regardless of our background or beliefs, we are invited to recognize Jesus as the living God and respond to His sacrifice with sincere worship. May we always remember the centrality of Christ’s crucifixion in the gospel message and allow it to transform our lives.

(c) The Church of St Stephen, Downsview 2024-03-03